Organizational Transformation

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  3. Organizational Transformation
Supply Synergies’ goal working with you to transform your organization is to leave you with sustainable results. Our core concepts for a mature, high-performance Procurement organization are 1) the proper staffing structure, and 2) robust skills that consistently deliver value. We believe these are the key building blocks to world-class Procurement organizations. For a better understanding of our approach, please learn more below.

A Proper, Tangible Staffing Structure

Staffing Section - Supply Synergies

Achieving the right organizational structure is essential to long-term value creation. Although organizations will frequently change, getting it right the first time makes future modifications much easier. Too often companies will focus on category-specific spend levels to allocate their staff.

We also focus on internal and external complexity of the category, business criticality, risk, and spend under Procurement management. Working with you, this 5-point focus allows us to develop the “best fit” staffing structure that meets your business needs.

Skills That Consistently Create Value

Once the proper organizational structure is in place, we are big believers in creating process-based sourcing, research and negotiating skills. We do this through formal, interactive workshop training and on-the-job coaching. This allows us to not only teach your team a proven Category Management process, but also help them internalize it in their real-world environment.
Skills Section | Organizational Transformation - Supply Synergies

Our Category Management suite is delivered in a classroom setting with interactive, small group break-out sessions using the categories of your choice. The Strategic Sourcing course is a 3.5 – 4-day course, and the SRM training is 2 – 3 days. We will always tailor the training and coaching with you to ensure it meets your needs.

For more information on our Procurement Organizational Transformation services, please contact us.

Get In Touch

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Supply Synergies, Inc.
450 Egret Circle, #9504
Delray Beach, FL 33444


(203) 981-5506

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Supply Synergies, Inc.

450 Egret Circle, #9504
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(203) 981-5506
info (at) supplysynergies (dot) com